HTL 099: The NO-Fear Guide to Understanding Credit Cards for First Timers, with Reid Garcia

This is another one of my NO-Fear episodes. We are going to break down the concept of credit cards for first timers.

If you have been in fear of credit cards, don’t worry. We are going to explain their many benefits, really highlight the potential downside, explain how and why so many people get into credit card debt, and how to avoid that.

Here are some other shows that may also help you understand more about finances and credit:

Credit Card Basics for First Timers

A credit card is a tool. Getting the most out of a credit card really just comes down to understanding how this tool works.

And who better to explain credit cards to first timers than Reid Garcia. Remember, Reid? I interviewed him back in Episode 46 talking about how to prep your kitchen so that you can feed yourself another which is another huge life skill. On that show he summarized his course, Kick Start Your Kitchen, which is catered to the beginner all the way to the advanced cook as well. 

Reid is the founder of Helpful For Life and also teaches life skills that you may have missed earlier in your life. 

We all have some holes in our adulting arsenal and I think Reid and I make a pretty good team in helping to fill some of those.

He is here today to talk about his latest helpful creation called, “Swipe Right: the comprehensive guide to getting the most out of your credit card use”.

If you enjoyed this show, please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss out!

While you are here, consider SUBSCRIBING to the Mominars on YouTube for short, easy video tutorials on how to do basic life skills.

Reid Garcia

About Reid Garcia

Reid started out as an electrical engineer before founding Helpful For Life. He uses his nerdy analytical skills to weed through all of the crap and tell you what you need to know!

Fun fact – he traveled around the US & Canada for a year living in an RV with his wife & dog.


Reach out to Reid. He is so helpful!

THE Credit Card Guide: “Swipe Right: the comprehensive guide to getting the most out of your credit card use”. You can also type in

Helpful for Life Website:

If you would like Direct Access to the Kickstart Your Kitchen course, use my affiliate link! You will get this great information for a great deal. Or you can just type in for a Win-Win-Win!