HTL 007 How To Retire by 40 and Live The Dream, with Randi Levenbaum

How to Retire by 40

Many people go through life living paycheck to paycheck, spending money without much thought, and spending for the moment. And that is fine.

There are many ways to live your life and there is no ONE RIGHT way to do it. But it should be fun and should give you joy, not stress. Money should be fun and give you joy, not stress.

If you enjoy having a great relationship with money, then you will enjoy this inspiring story!

RANDI LEVENBUAM joins me on this podcast to tell her story of how she managed to plan a financial future that allowed her to retire from her relatively modest-income job at age 43.  It was all about CHOICES, DISCIPLINE, and PERSISTENCE!

With a little thought and the right mindset, you too can journey through your life being in control of your money and still have a blast doing the things you love, all while setting yourself up financially for the future. 

I love this story! Randi had a goal of retiring “early”, not knowing exactly what age that would be, held that vision, and made decisions and choices all along the way that kept her moving toward it.  

About Randi Levenbaum

Randi has excelled at many thing in her life, but retiring at age 43 has got top the list.

She is mostly self-taught and completely self-driven. And she has a knack for leveraging her jobs to not only provide her income, but advance her education, capitalize on perks associated with whatever job she held, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Randi is a retired golf-course manager from the City of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department. She holds a bachelor’s degree in recreation administration.

Additionally she is a retired Certified Financial Planner. She is a retired poker player, poker dealer, and poker instructor and coach.

These days she is a high-ranking pickleball player (she wins A LOT), and she has recently become a USAPA Certified Referee and Trainor.

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Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E):



American Funds:

What is Pickleball:

Refereeing Pickleball: