HTL 045: You Are The Common Denominator – How personal accountability is the key to reclaiming your power

I want to talk about the subject of personal accountability. If you don’t know what that means, you will by the end of this show. 

Let me start by asking you, when things go wrong in your life, what is your first thought? Bad luck? Why me? Blame something or someone else?

If you do tend to react like this, you are not alone. I would say you are most likely in the majority because most people do this and not just in negative situations. Things show up, some good, some bad and they react to it. They react to the condition. They are happy when they like the condition or feel negative emotion when it is something they don’t like. 

I call that living by default – just reacting to whatever you happen to bump into and not taking any control or ownership for what comes into your life. 

But what if there was a way to get your power back? What if you could change the way you look at it. What if you could control your emotion to it? What if you could detach from the knee-jerk reaction. And rather than say why me? instead say, how did I bump into this? How did I attract this into my experience?

Well, there is a way to regain your power and that is by accepting that of all the moving parts of your life, the one constant is you.

YOU are the common denominator.

But that is a good thing because that is the one thing that you CAN control!

When something goes wrong and you can say, “I did that”, guess what? You can also say, “HEY,  I DID THAT” when it goes exactly right. That is true power. You are no longer a victim of chance.

And disclaimer, if you do this, you may be at risk of being a happier person on a regular basis. You may find great relief in not trying to control others or situations. You may find that good things seem to be happening in your life a lot more than before! 

If this concept resonated with you, here are some other podcast episodes that go a little more in depth on some of the concepts I mentioned.

Episode 2: The Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude List

Episode 8: Balancing Emotions

Episode 20: The Importance of a Well-rested Mind, Body, and Soul

Episode 28: The Gift of Gratitude

Episode 36: Hitting the Reset Button

Episode 37: Good Vibes Only; how to bring your best energy to any situation.

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