HTL 028: The Gift of Gratitude, with Pritesh Sankhe, Founder of the ‘Gratitude’ App.

Gratitude is one of the tenets of my philosophy in life. Discovering the power of gratitude has been life-changing for me and if I could impart only one piece of advice for anyone it would be that.

How did I get the founder of this remarkable app to be a guest on my show? Here is the backstory:

A few years ago, I was at, probably, the lowest point of my life and I didn’t know how to get myself out. In my search for meaning and peace, I came across the exercise of keeping a gratitude list. Something resonated with me and it felt manageable so I started keeping a journal and would try to write all the good things that happened to me that day at night.

What I found was that by the end of the day I would forget all the little things so I felt like nothing good was happening at all.

I then found an app called GRATITUDE: Journal and Reminders. It was simple and the interface was pretty and soothing, and most importantly it allowed me to jot down things that I was grateful for as soon as they occurred because it was on my phone.

Fast forward to today and things have improved tremendously. Actually, it is more accurate to say that I have improved tremendously. Not everything goes the way I want it. I experience pain and disappointment just like all people. But I am no longer rendered helpless and down for the count. I have learned to focus on the good and focus on what I CAN control which is me, my reaction, and my emotions.

Gratitude Journal, Affirmation App

So last month, I was writing in my Gratitude App and a notice appeared inviting me to take a 7-day gratitude challenge. Even though I write down what I am grateful for daily, I took the challenge because more gratitude isn’t going to hurt anyone, right?

At the end of the challenge, I received an email asking if I would get on a Zoom call with the creator of the app, Pritesh Sankhe, to give him my input and feedback about it.

Uh, yeah! I accepted!

And a week later, I was speaking to the man who has literally played a significant role in my personal journey. His app was the impetus, the turning point, that led me to where I am now.

My life philosophy and attitude have been shaped because of this incredible app. And now I am sharing that same message in my own way. 

Originally, Pritesh wanted to ask for my feedback on the app, but instead, I think I rambled on about what I just described to you. He didn’t get a word in edgewise! And then I asked him to be a guest on my show and he said yes! So here we are! 

You are about to hear from a truly humble, kind, and generous man about how he came to create the app called GRATITUDE and how one spark can ignite and transform millions!

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Pritesh Sankhe

Pritesh Sankhe is the co-founder of the Gratitude app.

Gratitude is primarily a journaling app that reminds you to be grateful during the day by asking empowering questions like ‘What made you smile today?’ or ‘What was the best part about today?’

He created this app out of a personal need to cope with a tough time he was going through.

Pritesh is an engineer by heart and loves to build products that people would love to use.

Happiness for him is spending time with his family, taking nature walks, self-reflection and growth, building Gratitude, talking to people who use the app, and learning about their journeys. 

He is on a mission to positively impact millions of people around the world! 


If you are having trouble getting started with a Gratitude List, I recommend this wonderful article from the Gratitude Blog ( I love this blog!): 40 Things To Be Grateful For Today





