HTL 079: Find Clarity and Calm by Following Your Personal North Star, with Cady Macon

If you are dragging your feet on something or you don’t know why you can’t figure something out, or you don’t know where to start, it is often caused by dread, lack of knowledge, intimidation, and ultimately fear.

It is hard to find your way out of the dark when you have no idea how to find the light.

That’s why I am so happy to have Cady Macon on the show today.

Cady is a life coach and an intuitive who has created Compass Cards.

These are a deck of cards with questions you ask yourself to help you figure out where you are in proximity to the solution to your problem or answer to your question.

The framework and process are refreshingly simple yet so powerful.

You can find your way out of confusion or darkness by following your own North Star.

It is about learning to tune into your intuition, ask the right questions, and trust that YOU know what is best for YOU. 

If you want to hear more about trusting your intuition and solving your own problems here are the episodes I recommend:

In Episode # 4, I give you some tips on how to find the answer to a question you want to know by asking yourself. 

Episode #25 is how to listen to your inner voice and follow your intuition with Miinkay Yu.

And Episode #77 might be helpful. Treasa Edmond discusses how to write to solve problems and breakthrough personal walls.

If you enjoyed this show, please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss out!

While you are here, consider SUBSCRIBING to the Mominars on YouTube for short, easy video tutorials on how to do basic life skills.

Cady Macon

About Cady Macon

Cady Macon is the creator of compass cards: a self-coaching tool you can use to find your own answers.

When she isn’t teaching people how to find their way, Cady can be found leading workshops, offering intuitive readings*, coaching individual clients, and questioning the evolutionary advantages of her chin hairs.

She is a certified Co-Active Coach and Transformational NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner.


Compass Cards

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