HTL 092: Can Failure be a Good Thing? with Stephan Brezinsky


Living gracefully is so much easier when you are succeeding and everything is going well in your life. 

I want you to know that you are not alone or abnormal if you have failed. Here are some other episodes to help your recover:

Check out WHEN THINGS FALL APART, Episode 38.

Having a dedicated plan and purpose ahead of time can help you avoid some major detours in life. 

Check out Episode 60, HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PATH.

And Episode 22 gives you step-by-step instructions about HOW TO START A BUSINESS

Can Failure Be a Good Thing?

It can be a little challenging when you hit some bumps. 

And It is damn near impossible when you have failed. 

I won’t sugar coat it; failure sucks! 

The emotions and the feelings of worthlessness, self-pity, heartbreak – they are all real, and they are valid. 

But as hard as it is to believe at the moment, it can be, and often is, a wonderful opportunity to grow and succeed.

I’ve failed. I have failed big time. Most everyone has. And if it has happened to you, and you are currently licking your wounds, it is my hope that the words you are about to hear will soothe you. 

Stephan Brezinsky is an entrepreneur who has failed a few times and used the rubble as stepping stones to create his now successful media and marketing business. 

This is his story of loss to triumph. He talks about the messy middle and honestly answers my questions about the emotions, the aftermath, and how and why he got up and kept going. 

Don’t miss out on all the HOW TO LIFE content!

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Stephan Brezinsky

About Stephan Brezinsky

It’s never been easier to become an entrepreneur, but it’s also never been harder to build a sustainable, profitable business.

Stephan Brezinsky helps entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams of doing meaningful work, without any of the pain or risk of failure when starting a business.


NYU Stern School of Business

Work History:

Built & launched more than 10 businesses in the tech, web, food & beverage, health & wellness, and media industries.

Other Info:

Worked on several big Hollywood feature films

Narrowly avoided near personal bankruptcy more than once

Overcame numerous business shutdowns during COVID

Appeared on TV cooking show “Chopped”

Competitive athlete


Facebook: @stephanbrezinsky

Instagram: @stephanbrezinsky

Linkedin: @stephanbrezinsky