HTL 106: Social Media Marketing Using YouTube, with Itai Nusbaum

Social Media Marketing Using YouTube

Social Media Marketing using YouTube is a must these days for your business. YouTube is one of the most powerful ways to share your message with your audience or clients. 

So many of us use social media these days -mostly socially. And it seems easy and self-explanatory. Right? Seems like everyone can do it.

If you know, you know. But if you don’t, then this episode may help you out.

I am speaking with Itai Nusbaum, who started a youtube channel called Pocket Teacher. He provides educational content to help Israeli students pass their standardized exams.

His channel has become so popular that he has reached over 10% of the country. 10% of the country knows who he is and recognizes his face. That is a lot of people!

YouTube for Social Media Marketing

He has just recently founded a new consulting business called YouTuber’s Tool Kit where he consults and guides businesses on the benefits of social media marketing using YouTube to promote their own businesses.

And he is here to share some tips to help you get started with your own channel or help your existing channel be better.

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About Itai Nusbaum

Itai Nusbaum

In today’s world, a strong and consistent online presence is an absolute must.

Yet what most businesses (from small to corporate) completely overlook is the importance of an intriguing video online presence. 

Itai Nusbaum, a passionate educator, YouTuber, and engineer, is an expert in cultivating clear and marketable YouTube channels for businesses of all sizes.

As the founder and CEO of PocketTeacher, Itai single-handedly built a massive online educational presence helping high school students pass the standardized exams required to earn their diplomas. 

From his simple beginnings as an engineer who quit his job to follow his dream, Itai’s YouTube video lectures now reach over 10% of all high school students in his country and are entirely unparalleled in reach by any private company nationwide.

Today, in addition to continually expanding PocketTeacher, Itai runs the consulting company YouTuber’s Toolkit in which he coaches entrepreneurs and businesses in the art and science of maximizing the YouTube platform for social media marketing.


YouTuber’s Toolkit: