HTL 078: The Importance of a Vibrant Inner Circle, with Cara McLauchlan

We are all on our own journeys, doing things in our own way. 

But your personal journey doesn’t mean you have to be a lone wolf trying to do it all by yourself. 

Today’s episode is about the importance of a vibrant inner circle. 

My guest is Cara McLauchlan. She is a writer and an encourager (you will find that that is so true).

She will tell you, not only how to create your circle, but explain how important these have been in her own life and how allowing these helpers and guides into your life will reflect and remind you of your best self.

There is so much help out there for you. You only need to put out the alert, allow help to find you, and let it in. 

Don’t limit your life because you lack belief in your abilities. With the power and strength of your huddle, you can do and be so much more than you thought!

If you liked this topic, about how to find others who contribute to your life in a positive way, I recommend listening to Episode 23, How to Tune Out the Negative Talk of Self and Others.

Mike Lander is also a proponent of surrounding yourself with those who inspire you to be your best.

If you don’t have your own huddle yet telling you how great you are, check out Episode 70, Get Out of Your Own Way.

Cheyne Towers talks about how to free yourself from habitual negative self-talk with his process of the Dialogue of Self-Liberation.

If you are finding this content valuable, don’t miss out on more great episodes! SUBSCRIBE to the Podcast

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Cara McLauchlan is a storyteller.She delights in encouraging families with her words and ideas.

She has published numerous articles and books to inspire God’s best in others. She has recently written and published Nourish: Encouragement for Parents Homeschooling Through High School – a book that celebrates 10 years of homeschooling and mentoring other families on this journey. 

Her additional published works include Chicken Soup for the Caregivers Soul, Chicken Soup for the Hockey Moms Soul, and The Portable Red-Hot Mama. She is a contributor to several publications including Carolina Parent, Carolina Woman, Charlotte Parent, and Medium/Koinonia.

Cara McLauchlan received her B.A. in Journalism/Public Relations and her MA in

Advertising/Public Relations – both from Michigan State University.

Cara spent the last ten years trekking through the adventure of homeschooling. Prior to homeschooling, Cara enjoyed a career in corporate public relations with Starbucks, Sprint and McDonald’s Corporation. She is proud to have been part of pouring the first cup of  Starbucks Coffee in North Carolina, the first official phone call on the golden phone for Sprint and the opportunity to know Ronald McDonald personally. Even though this reveals too much about her age, they make for great stories.

She married the man of her dreams, Russell, the day after Hurricane Fran in 1996. She is grateful to be a mother to her college-age son Campbell and two amazing stepchildren, Craig and Kelly. 

Get in Touch

Telephone: 919-696-8444.


FB/IG: @CaraMcLauchlanLife