Mominar 069: How To Unclog a Kitchen Sink -Yourself

How To Unclog a Kitchen Sink Yourself!

In this Mominar, I am going to show you how to diagnose and unclog a kitchen sink – yourself!

It sucks when this happens, and if you don’t know what to do, panic can set in possibly preceded by confusion, fear, or dismay. 

At the very least annoyance, which was my reaction.

This was not a planned Mominar, but it happened at an inconvenient time and this is life!

If you were previously in fear about how to unclog a kitchen sink, I hope this Mominar helped you out!


You might be interested to know that I have video tutorials on other types of clogs and how to unclog them. 

CLICK HERE to learn how to clear a clogged shower drain.

Here is one you definitely need: how to clear a clogged toilet.

Yes, annoyingly, things go wrong in the house and I have a whole playlist on how to maintain your home. Make sure you check those out!

Would you like to learn some more information about basic life skills? CLICK HERE for more Mominars!
If you like to learn will on the go, check out the HOW TO LIFE Podcast!