HTL 072: How To Recover From a Health Scare – 8 steps to take to align with wellness, with Dr. Laura Jaget

Today is a solo show and  I want to talk about your health, or rather, how to get it back when you get sick or worse – get some bad news or a bad diagnosis.

First, let me give you some background about me and how I view the body and its ability to recover.

I have been a chiropractor for 29 years. I have seen a lot of injuries, a lot of poor health, and a lot of amazing recoveries, as well.

I was an elite athlete in my youth and am currently a high-level athlete now. I have personally experienced my fair share of injuries.

I am, and always have been, a very healthy person.  I am very health-minded. 

I am pretty good at convincing others of their wellness. Because I am so sure of what I know, and I see others as well and whole already regardless of the state they are currently in, they sort of pick up on that when they are under my care, and the great majority of the time they get better. 

I don’t heal anyone. I just help them calm down a bit and give them coaching on how to help themselves, and then I can facilitate the healing process. I am just a helper.

And so right now, I would like to give you that same coaching and guidance to help you help yourself recover from whatever less-than-optimal health situation you may be facing now or in the future.

Here are 8 steps you can take to align with wellness and start healing your body.

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