HTL 035: From the Ashes of 2020, the How To Life Podcast was born; A Year in Review

This show marks the 35th episode of the How To Life podcast and the last show of 2020. 

At the beginning of the year, I had no idea that my world would be thrown into turmoil. None of us knew that the world as we knew it would be thrown into turmoil. It was definitely a sink or swim year for most people. 

But, here is the good news: We got through the year. We did it! 

And now being at the end, we can look back and see the silver lining of what we thought was just the worst year ever!

Honestly, it has taken me a little while to build some confidence and knowledge about putting out content for How To Life.

Fear slowed me down. As did all the excuses I came up with to not move faster. Job, personal life, kids, more focused on being a pickleball pro, not enough time, not enough knowledge, not enough experience in this area. 

Then came 2020 and suddenly all of my excuses were not there anymore! Circumstances had changed, job was gone, pickleball tournaments were canceled, everything was shut down, and I found myself with A LOT of time on my hands. 

As many of you were in the same boat, you know that losing everything is super stressful, so to distract from the discomfort, I poured myself into learning as much as I could about how to create, produce, market, and be a positive presence in this online world that I knew nothing about! 

Looking back now, I see how 2020 was actually a Golden Ticket. The timing was perfect. The access to information, people, tools, time that were needed to build my brand is nothing short of miraculous.

As for this podcast? Not even on the radar at the beginning of this year. But one night, I went to dinner at my friend’s house and had a conversation with a young woman there who in the middle of our discussion about a problem she was worried about suddenly stopped and said, “you should start a podcast”. 

Which got me thinking. 

I looked up how to do that, which led to me finding Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income who had a complete tutorial on how to start a podcast. He got me up and running. I built a website, I found help everywhere I needed it. But I felt alone because no one I knew could relate to what I was doing. 

Then Pat created an entrepreneurial community. I applied and got accepted! 

Finally! A tribe that I could talk to and share with. Who understood and generously offered help, advice, guidance, and so much support and encouragement.

And because of all of this which occurred in 2020, I have become braver, more confident, and more fearless than ever before.

I mean, I still have fears. But they are not so paralyzing anymore. 

I bless 2020 for providing me an opportunity to bloom and grow exponentially. 

So I would like to dedicate this show to everyone who played a role in getting me to where I am right now. 

And I want to give a big shout out to Pat Flynn and the SPI Pro team for all they do. 

And most importantly, I want to personally thank the wonderful people -THE COACHES- who generously and graciously offered their time and knowledge to help me help you, my audience, learn how to handle stuff and situations in the adult world more easily than we did. They get it! It can be scary being out there with little or no information or experience. 

So, here is my year in review. A 45-second highlight of each episode There is such good information in each podcast. And this was just the first year!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you THE COACHES of the How To Life Podcast Freshman Class of 2020.

Don’t miss out on all the HOW TO LIFE content!

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