Mominar 073: How To Change The Water Filter in Your Fridge

Today I am going to show you how to change the water filter in your fridge.

If you own a water filtration system, it’s important to change the water filter in your fridge regularly to ensure that it’s working properly and effectively removing contaminants from your water. 

When Do You Know It’s Time to Change the Filter?

There might be a date on it telling you when it was last changed.

The “change filter” indicator light might tell you it’s time to change your filter.

Your fridge is making strange noises or is the water from the dispenser does not taste fresh.

How to Change the Water Filter in Your Fridge

First, locate the water filter in your fridge. In most fridges, it’s located at the bottom, on the back wall, or in the front grille.

Determine the type of water filter you have. Check your filter’s user manual or manufacturer’s website to find out how often your particular filter needs to be replaced.

Remove the old filter. To remove the old water filter, you usually turn it counterclockwise and pull it out.

Water may come out when you remove the old filter. Have some towels or a container to catch it if you’d like.

How to Insert the New Filter

Insert the new water filter by pushing it in and turning it clockwise or counter-clockwise until it clicks into place. Follow any additional instructions in your user manual or from the manufacturer. Make sure to write the date on it so you know when to change it next.

Once the water is flowing through the system, check for any leaks around the filter housing or other parts of the filtration system. I have a Mominar that shows you how to fix a common cause of this. I

If your fridge has a water filter indicator light, reset it by pressing and holding the button for a few seconds.

Finally, run a few cups of water through the dispenser to flush out any air or debris in the new water filter. That’s it! Your fridge’s water filter is now changed and ready to provide clean and fresh water for you and your family.

By following these steps, you can change your water filter and ensure that your water filtration system is working effectively to remove contaminants from your water.

This may be something that you didn’t even think about.

But if you live in an area where municipal water doesn’t taste that great or bottled water is too expensive for you, this may be a good option for you.

If your fridge has a filter, why not use it?

I hope you found this Mominar helpful.

As always, please like the video, subscribe to my channel and please share it with anyone who might need this help.

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