HTL 108: How To Become a Speech Therapist, with Rose Griffin


How To Become a Speech Therapist

Since the last show was a What Can I Do With My Life Episode, I thought I would give you another one since we are kind of on a roll with that.

Today’s episode is about what it takes to become a speech therapist, a rewarding and versatile job. And here is talk about that is my guest, certified speech-language pathologist, Rose Griffin, 

Rose has been doing this work for 20 years, mostly in the public school system. For the last 5 years, she had also started her own business called ABA Speech, as well as hosts the podcast, Autism Outreach.

She has great information to help you learn about, and decide if Speech Therapy is a career you may want to pursue. You will find this podcast very informative.

Here are some other shows that you may find relevant based on the information Rose just talked about:

You need some schooling to become a speech therapist. I recommend:

Episode 43. Career and college counselor, Rick Palo, talks about where to find scholarships, when to apply, and how to leverage your chances of getting scholarships and grants.  

Did you know that you can get scholarships as well as real-life experience in the field you want to go into by volunteering? Listen to Episode 51 with the founder and CEO of VolunteerCrowd, Amy van Kaenel.

And Episode 71 is about the College Flight Plan, a program designed to help you assess your strengths and values so that you can move quickly and purposefully through college and into your career.

Don’t miss out on more great episodes! SUBSCRIBE to the Podcast

You will also enjoy my quick tutorials on my YouTube channel. SUBSCRIBE to the Mominars

About Rose Griffin

Rose Griffin

Rosemarie Griffin, MA, CCC/SLP BCBA, is an ASHA-certified Speech-Language Pathologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

She is the founder of ABA SPEECH. ABA SPEECH offers therapy services, courses, consultations, and products geared toward helping autistic students find their voice.

Rose is also the host of the Autism Outreach Podcast, a weekly show all about autism and communication.

She is a sought-after speaker who enjoys connecting with audiences at the local, state, and national levels.

Rose is passionate about the mission of ABA SPEECH, which is to help all students become more independent communicators

Follow Rose at:


Instagram: Rose Griffin: Toddler and Preschool Autism Expert (@abaspeechbyrose) • Instagram photos and videos

Listen to the Autism Outreach Podcast: The Autism Outreach Podcast | ABA Speech