HTL 026: Turn Your Skill Into FREELANCING Freedom, with Jay Clouse



My guest today is Jay Clouse, the creator of Freelancing School, host of the Creative Elements podcast, and founder of Unreal Collective, a community to support and help creators accel in their niche and make money.

You guessed it, we are going to talk about Freelancing! 

What is freelancing? Is that even a real way to make money? 

Probably most of you listening have a skill that can provide great value to others and make you some money doing it. 

And there are probably a high percentage of people who don’t even realize that this is a thing. This is possible. And viable. 

And now more than any other time in history, it is easier to capitalize on your special talent. No matter what it is! 

Jay shares so much information to help you start thinking about the possibilities of freelancing and if it is something you actually have considered, get you pointed in the right direction.

I think you will enjoy these other podcast episodes which talk more in-depth on some of the subjects Jay mentions in regard to freelancing:

Learn how to be your own boss in Episode 22 Start Your Online Business.

Discover how to Listen Your Intuition in Episode 25.

Episode 18: How to Make a Budget and Get (or stay) Out of Debt

Would you like to hear more interviews like this? Please SUBSCRIBE to the PODCAST!

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Jay Clouse

About Jay Clouse

Jay Clouse is the creator of Freelancing School, which provides the training and community to help people make a living freelancing. He also hosts Creative Elements, a podcast for creatives in the trenches of building their businesses. You can connect with Jay on Twitter or Instagram @jayclouse or sign up for his weekly newsletter for creatives at


Personal Website:

Freelancing School:

Podcast: Creative Elements

Community: Unreal Collective

Social Media @jayclouse



Phone: 415-852-9976