HTL 059: Following The Bread-Crumb Trail of Your Curiosity, with Junaid Ahmed

I love the title of today’s show, Following the Bread Crumb Trail. Do you remember the story of Hansel and Gretel? They were lost in the forest, but Hansel had dropped breadcrumbs and they were able to follow the trail and get back home.

That is kind of what my guest, Junaid Ahmed, is going to encourage you to do. Junaid is the host of the podcast, Hacks and Hobbies. He, himself, is a lifelong hobbyist. He has explored many things: tech, cycling, photography, beekeeping, film and video, studio set up, podcasting; and all were explored by following his curiosity.

Curiosity is natural to everyone. Even if you think you don’t have imagination or curiosity about anything, I would say, not true. You were probably steered away from it or talked out it. Or maybe you never developed it.  But it is there, and it can lead you to such wonderful things that will enhance your life, or at least help you define your preferences.

Junaid believes that curiosity leads to investigation which leads to learning which leads to mastery. And I would add that mastery is so satisfying and can even lead to monetizing that skill.

But I am getting ahead of myself. You are going to enjoy this insightful podcast interview with a true renaissance man, Junaid Ahmed.

I also recommend listening to episode 54, The Importance of a Creative Outlet, which goes well with this show.

And if you want to know how to start, check out episode 25 which is about how to tune into your intuition.

If you enjoyed this show, please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss out!

While you are here, consider SUBSCRIBING to the Mominars on YouTube for short, easy video tutorials on how to do basic life skills.


Junaid Ahmed

Homestudio Mastery: Build Your Space
Host of Hacks & Hobbies podcast
Father of 3 Kiddos
About the Podcast: Junaid started the podcast, Hacks and Hobbies, to document his beekeeping journey. As he shared about his journey, he got curious and invited hobbyists, inventors, entrepreneurs, actors, producers, directors about their journey to success. He started to see the pattern and got stories to share for days.

About Home Studio Set-up: Following his own passions for tech, film, and photography, Junaid transformed his home office into a home studio which enabled him to show up on even more stages. He helps others in creating their amazing personalities to be camera-ready. But still, the hardest thing we all face is the ability to speak our stories so he creates content on YouTube to teach the tools and how to integrate them into your life with simplicity.
UX Designer with 20 years of experience, building enterprise and mobile applications.

  • Backed over 260 Kickstarter projects
  • Invested in 10+ startups

Contact and Follow Junaid

Junaid Ahmed
(951) 642-0955 (m)

twitter: @superjunaid
instagram: @superjunaid

Linked In: Junaid Ahmed | LinkedIn

Book a call with Junaid to discuss home studio setup: Home Studio Mastery | Look Your Best.