HTL 053: Skills You Need To Be An Executive Assistant (aka superhero), with Jess Lindgren

I have another episode today for the What Am I Going To Do With My Life Series.

In case you are new to this show, every once in a while I will have a guest who talks about possible career choices. 

I like doing these interviews because you never know what just might resonate with someone. A chance comment can potentially be the answer to a question you might have.

So here is another one for you. Are you super-organized? Are you dependable? Are you good with the details? Do you get the job done? 

Well, maybe you might consider being an executive assistant? 

In this interview, I am speaking with Jess Lindgren, who is the right-hand woman for Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. Pat is a very big name in the online entrepreneurial world and you may have heard me mention that he has been a huge influence and inspiration in my own online journey. 

Jess is right there to make sure he keeps on track in his mission of helping others. He could not do it alone. Therefore, you are vital! You are not just an assistant. An executive assistant is crucial to the success of any CEO. 

In this episode, we talked about how volunteering is a great way to acquire skills and maybe make some connections. If you want to know how to do that, have a listen to my episode 51 interview with the CEO of Volunteer Crowd, an amazing organization that matches organizations with volunteers to learn more about that. 

And to learn a bit more about freelancing, episode 26 will really give you some insight about how and why you might want to market your skills.

Guess what? I have more great interviews! CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE HOW TO LIFE PODCAST

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Jess has worked in the C-Suite of organizations great and small for 18+ years.

She focuses on supporting her current CEO in his many endeavors, improving working relationships between CEOs and the EAs who support them, and has very low tolerance for any meeting that should have been an email. 

Jess hosts the wildly popular* business podcast, Ask An Assistant.

*in her Grandma’s sewing room


Jess Lindgren


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