HTL 016: The NO-Fear Guide to Basic Car Maintenance, with Kiran Gangarum and Jay Kgasago

Today’s show is an important one. It is a topic that gave me a lot of anxiety when I was younger, my kids have fear about it now, and I think many people are a bit nervous about this, and that is basic car maintenance.

Having a car is awesome. But there are a lot of responsibilities and expenses that come with it. I have talked about some of those in a few MOMINARS on my youtube channel: oil changes, tire pressure, smog check, registration. Pumping your own gas. 

I suspect that some of the fear in dealing with these things is the potential expense. A warning light comes on and rather than deal with it, you kind of ignore it hoping it will go away or maybe it is programmed to go on just to get money out of you. And especially if the car seems to be running alright you might have a tendency to ignore it. 

And then perhaps you have the impression that mechanics rip you off so you don’t trust what they say. 

So who do you trust? What is the truth about car maintenance? How long can your car go before it really breaks down?

Luckily I have a couple of friends who graciously accepted my request to talk about this topic. Kiran Gangarum and  Korombi Kgasago, whom we call Jay for short, are not mechanics themselves, but they are extremely knowledgeable about cars and how to maintain them so you can get the most out of your vehicle for a long time.

Since this is not their livelihood, there is nothing in it for them so you can trust their answers! 

You are going to feel a whole lot better knowing what you should do, when to do it, and what to notice and look for in your car’s performance. 

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About Kiran Gangarum

Kiran was born and raised in Pietermaritzburg , KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He has always had a passion for cars and has been in the motor industry for 12 years now. Kiran is happily married and currently resides in Johannesburg, South Africa.