
About Dr. Laura Jaget

Dr. Laura Jaget

My name is Dr. Laura Jaget and in my “adult” life so far, I have been a nationally ranked NCAA Division I tennis player, a chiropractor, a business owner, a wife, a mother of four amazing, accomplished children, a healer, a teacher, dabbled in boxing, marksmanship, ballroom dancing, and most recently, I am playing senior pro pickleball.

Wow, that sounds pretty impressive, especially since in my mind I felt like I didn’t know anything while I was doing all this stuff.

And I didn’t. The adult world didn’t care about my degrees or accolades. It just expected me to know how to file my taxes, iron clothes, feed my family, change a diaper, reconcile my bank account, decide between a 36, 48, or 60-month lease, pump my own gas, know what deductible to choose, and be a confident, competent asset to potential employers, to my family, and most importantly to myself.

Even though they didn’t offer Adulting 101 at my school (or anywhere else), somehow I learned, and because I am a doctor and a mother, I ended up fixing, teaching and encouraging many others – A LOT!


Do you feel confused and overwhelmed about how to survive and thrive in the adult world? Are there things you feel like you are supposed to know but, yet you don’t?  Basic life skills that seem obvious, but remain a mystery to you?

Maybe you don’t know WHO to ask, or HOW to ask, or you’re EMBARRASSED to ask!

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an adulting class to answer all of these questions? Something like, “life skills for students” or “adulting 101” because let’s face it, adulting is hard!

Don’t worry, we all didn’t know “How To Life” at one point or another.  I have been an “adult” for many years now, and I often felt insecure, clueless, and “lame” along the way.

So, how do you figure it out?  You could read the instructions, or search the web, or learn by trial and error.

But it’s my intention to help you skip that part and get right to the point with short, easy YouTube video tutorials I call the How To Life MOMINARS, and through a loving, supportive Podcast called How To Life – Mominar Talks.

Whether it is seemingly basic life skills, or how to emotionally deal with situations that you encounter in life, my goal is to give you guidance, tips, and tools to help you out, and to cheer you on along the way!

Here are the adulting classes that were never taught in school!

How It All Started

I created the YouTube channel, How To Life Mominars because I got tired of repeating the same instruction over and over again when I was teaching my own children -and many of their friends- basic life skills.

How To Life Mominars Answer Your Questions

The term HOW TO LIFE came about because my kids used to come to me and say “Hey, Mom, I have a How To Life question” whenever they needed to know how to do something, or work something. And I would joke that I would hold a MOMINAR about the topic, and all were welcome so that I would only have to explain, whatever it was, once.

What is a MOMINAR? This is simply a seminar given by a Mom. It is a term I use to describe a brief tutorial about any topic where I show how to do basic life tasks as simply as possible.

What Can You Expect?

You have come to the right place! Here, I will answer your burning HOW TO LIFE questions in easy-to-follow, clear, simple steps.

And if you didn’t get it the first time, or need to review, re-watch the Mominars or listen to the Podcasts as many times as you’d like.

And here is the best part! There will be NO yelling, NO eye-rolling, and NO exasperated sighs. Just patient instruction every time.

You might not care about some of this stuff now, but there will probably come a point in your life when you will need – or want – to know how to do something.

And when that time comes, I will be here to help you figure it out.

To join my adulting classes, SUBSCRIBE to the HOW TO LIFE Mominars channel on YouTube and the HOW TO LIFE podcast. and soon you will be “lifeing” like an official adult!